This 7 page guide is a fabulous beginning resource to share EFT with your kids.

The guide includes:  

  • Steps to learn this easy, quick, empowering self-regulation tool

  • Conversation prompts for activating emotional intelligence & body awareness within your kids

  • Tips and ideas to streamline the tool once you get the basics

  • Tapping points chart you can print out and pin up around the house

EFT (emotional freedom techniques) is a meridian based tapping tool. 

By locating and tapping on upper body acupressure points while focusing on a stressful experience or memory we bring a calming response to the body and restore harmony and balance to the whole system.

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About Me

Hi, I'm Karen Murphy, an EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Energy Practitioner and Mindful Parent Coach. 

I love supporting the evolution of inner alignment, personal re-parenting, and family transformation through my energy healing work and parenting courses and programs.  

Enjoy your guide!

Karen, xo


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